Measurement Methods

  The measurement starts with the  Start button.
  The acoustic image (spectrogram) screen (10 seconds) is displayed repeatedly in real time, and the measurement continues until  Recording...tap to analyze  button is pressed. When the button is pressed, the previous 20 seconds are stored in memory for analysis and file saving.
  Pressing  Puase  button during measurement will interrupt the measurement until  Resume  button is pressed. Using this method, it is possible, for example, to save the sounds of two conditions in the same file and compare them.。
  If the measurement time is less than 20 seconds and more than 10 seconds, 20 seconds of data including the sound and blanks during that time is saved; if less than 10 seconds, 10 seconds of data including blanks is saved.

  The display level of the spectrogram becomes stronger when the top of the screen is tapped and weaker when the bottom of the screen is tapped. Swipe up to narrow the frequency range and swipe down to widen it. Detailed settings are made on the settings screen.